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5 Reasons to Support Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana Legalization

LAPD1. Reduction in Crime

Not only would marijuana legalization eliminate the millions of marijuana arrests annually, It would also cut the profits cartels, drug traffickers, and drug dealers currently enjoy.
This would greatly reduce the amount of people taking part in these activities and the numerous crimes they are involved in. Marijuana legalization would reduce the amount of drug dealers, and also the amount of other illegal drugs as a result. With Marijuana illegal, marijuana users have no choice but to buy from criminals. This makes the criminal “drug dealer” lifestyle lucrative and alluring for many. However most marijuana users would rather buy from a legal, tax paying, business. This would make the illegal drug trade far less lucrative, and therefore less appealing creating far less drug dealers, and drug pushers. This would reduce overall crimes (as has been seen in states that have already passed marijuana legalization laws)
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